Total drama lindsay
Total drama lindsay

Later, Lindsay helps Leshawna to lock Heather into the freezer after refusing to return Heather's makeup bag. Although she is mostly on Heather's side, she could not hold back her laughter after Heather accidentally burned her eyebrows off. with Leshawna siding with Beth while Lindsay continued to sit on the fence. The conflict between Heather and Beth continue in If You Can't Take The Heat. Lindsay is caught between their argument and is conflicted on who should she side with. While Lindsay continued to remain loyal to Heather, Beth eventually grew tired of being pushed around by Heather and quits the alliance in Paintball Deer Hunter. In the confessional, Lindsay bids goodbye to Tyler, but is unable to remember his name. Their time together was short as Tyler was eliminated in Phobia Factor. Their attempt to keep their relationship is unsuccessful as Lindsay accidentally reveals it to Heather while she is yelling at Bridgette after the latter fell into Tyler's arms. While she was supposed to spy on Gwen under Heather's orders, Lindsay followed Tyler to the washroom instead, where they begin to make out. This doesn't stop Lindsay from seeing Tyler again in Not Quite Famous. Heather strongly rejected their relationship, claiming that she is breaking the rules of their alliance and ends their date after throwing a kayak at Tyler. In Dodgebrawl, after they were both eliminated, they left the court in order to go on a date. Despite being on different teams, Tyler and Lindsay continue to see each other. Lindsay sees Tyler as a potential candidate for the alliance but Heather rejected her idea.

total drama lindsay

In The Big Sleep, Lindsay, along with Beth, is recruited into Heather's alliance under the assumption she will bring them to the final three together, unbeknownst to her, she is actually using their lack of intelligence to further her own selfish purpose. Though Lindsay at first refuse to jump off the cliff in Not So Happy Campers - Part 2, as she thought the show was actually a talent contest, she jumped anyway. Tyler then approached Lindsay and tells her that he could of done it too, beginning an attraction between the two. After several campers fail to crush it, the cockroach is killed by Duncan with an axe. As she is unpacking, Lindsay sees a cockroach in her cabin and screams loudly, attracting the attention of the other campers.

total drama lindsay

After everyone arrives, Lindsay is placed on the Screaming Gophers team. In Not So Happy Campers - Part 1, Lindsay is the fifth person to arrive and she immediately shows her lack of intelligence, forgetting the name of the host twice, failing to use the confessional correctly and mistakes the communal bathrooms as "communion" and had to be corrected by Gwen, who then calls her an idiot. Unfortunately for Lindsay, due to her naive and gullible nature, she is often fooled by false-friendships and easily manipulated by the show's antagonists. She shows herself to be an underdog, and hates to be underestimated by her peers, doing her best to defeat them and prove herself. At times, such as in Dial M for Merger and Get a Clue, she goes beyond the expectation of her peers and demonstrates that she has the ability to solve problems, and likes to be called "Her Hotness" as she does so. A major running gag on the show involves her having problems remembering the name of others, even if that person is her boyfriend. Although the other contestants are frequently annoyed by her severe lack of intelligence, Lindsay has been shown to only have pure intentions. Lindsay's big heart and childlike nature made her one of the most well-liked competitors on the show.

Total drama lindsay